International Workshop
Theory of Language and the Debate on Language Origins
(Trento, Department of Humanities, 18-20 November 2015)
Wednesday, 18th November
14:30 Registration
15:00 Giorgio Vallortigara (Vice-rector for Research U Trento): Greetings
15:30 Andrea Moro (IUSS, Pavia): The boundaries of Babel and beyond
16:30 Break
17:00 Stefano Cappa (IUSS, Pavia): The contribution of neuroscience to the language evolution debate
18:00 Andreas Trotzke (U Konstanz): Shared intentionality from the perspective of theoretical linguistics
18:45 Conclusion
Thursday, 19th November
09:30 Daniela Sammler (Max-Planck-Institut, Leipzig): Music and action – windows into the origins of language?
10:30 Break
11:00 Barbara Landau (U Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD): The representation of paths in language and cognition: Universal asymmetries and their cause
12:00 Joana Rosselló Ximenes (U Barcelona): Language evolution without interfaces or the power of vocal learning
12:45 Lunch
14:30 Giorgio Graffi (U Verona): Origin of language and origin of languages
15:30 Jacopo D’Alonzo (U Sorbonne-Nouvelle – Paris 3): Trần Đức Thảo: A Marxist Theory on Origins of Human Language?
16:15 Break
16:45 Werner Abraham (U Wien): What are the guiding principles in the evolution of morphology: Paradigmatics or syntagmatics? What comes first?
17:30 Denis Delfitto (U Verona): Negation as a window on the non-sequential nature of language interpretation
Friday, 20th November
09:00 Caterina Donati (U Paris Diderot – Paris 7): Labels in Grammar
10:00 Break
10:30 Guido Seiler (LMU, München): Duality of Patterning, structural well-formedness, and its relevance for language evolution
11:15 Elisabeth Leiss (LMU, München): Language, memory, and the human mind
12:15 Round table chaired by Maria Rita Manzini (U Firenze)
13:15 Lunch
Venue: University of Trento, Department of Humanities, Trento, Via Tommaso Gar 41, Aula 007
Organization and contact: Ermenegildo Bidese (U Trento) (
Secretariat: Antonella Neri (
There will be no conference fee.